Monday 12 May 2014

A few last-minute exam tips!

I'm sure you've heard all of this before, but it's very possible that you've forgotten in a moment of pre-exam panic. Fear not! I am here to bring you gently back to sanity (and of course provide you with a customary funny animal pic).

  • Before you go in, make sure you know how long the exam is, as well as how much time you should be spending on each question. You don't want to waste time figuring out 75 marks divided by 90 minutes once the clock has started ticking...
  • If you do find yourself running out of time, bullet point any key points you can remember, as you may be able to salvage some marks.
  • If you finish with time to spare, don't sit there feeling smug; go through the paper and edit your answers to try and squeeze out every possible point.
  • Check that you haven't missed out any pages, especially the back page- some papers seem to have been designed just to catch you out (as though the questions aren't hard enough...)
  • If you experience The Dreaded Mind-Blank, don't freak out. Remind yourself calmly that if you were sitting at home answering this question, there wouldn't be a problem- it's just the stress of the situation.  Maybe move on to another question and come back to it later.
  • Read the questions VERY carefully- this is pretty self-explanatory and probably not even worth saying, but you never know.
  • Make sure you have all the equipment you need with you e.g. pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, calculator, protractor etc. Don't just rely on the invigilators having spares.
  • Take some tissues with you even if you don't have a cold!!!- Not really a game-changer, but leaning over a desk for 45 minutes or more will probably make your nose run and no one likes a sniffer!
  • REMEMBER THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN EXAMS! At the time, I know that this couldn't feel less true, but just trust me on this one. Even if you don't get the grades you need to get into university, so what? There's always next year and there are ALWAYS other options for you.
I hope at least one of these points has been vaguely helpful for you! Here's your funny animal, as promised...

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