Monday, 14 July 2014

Do you want a degree that's practical, has good job prospects and is very rewarding?

This is just a very quick post aimed at those of you who are currently trying to work out what it is that you want to do with your life.  Perhaps it's never even crossed your mind, or maybe it's a life-long dream of yours, but midwifery is a hands-on, practical subject, that will leave you with a job at the end of your degree. 

If you've watched any programmes such as One Born Every Minute, you may have the impression that midwifery is all about having a laugh and eating a lot of cake.  While there is a little of this involved, as there would be in many a workplace, I spoke to my friend Claire about what it's really like to be a midwifery student at the University of Leeds.

To read the interview, please click here.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on here or on the article itself and I will happily pass them onto Claire :)
